Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions
_ _ _ _, with its registered office at Rua Alfredo Pimenta, corporate body number _ _ _ _, is the owner of this website. The use of _ _ _ _ recognizes the general terms and conditions listed below and described. Your acceptance is absolutely indispensable to the use of the services and information provided herein. If you do not agree with them, you should immediately cease using this Website.

_ _ _ _ is an online service for the purpose of distributing information on properties suitable for sale, lease, exchange or trespasse as well as disclose and promote their characteristics and conditions including the respective price.


At _ _ _ _ reserves the right at any time, without prior notice and with immediate effect, to modify, add, update, partially or totally eliminate these Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy. Guaranteeing, in any circumstance, the quality, safety, legality, truthfulness and accuracy of the information of their properties and offers on the published website. You should periodically check the page of these Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy to confirm that any updates or changes have been made. If you do not agree to any of these you should not use this Website.
Use of the Website.


Users who visit the Website may access and read all content contained therein, without the need to register data or personal information. However, only registered users or with the submission of completed forms for appointment of visits or requests for commercial contacts will be contacted and informed about the properties and services available through the electronic address or phone previously submitted in own forms. You will receive updates and information on the services and real estate available in _ _ _ _, if you have previously accepted in the respective registration or submitted form, communication for that purpose.
This Website, or any of our services, should not be used:
    • For any reason or purpose that is unlawful, defamatory, offensive, harmful, abusive, invasive of another's privacy or objectionable;
    • In a way that could harm or interrupt this Website or any of our services, or peaceful use by other users;
    • To transmit viruses or other malicious code that could damage or disturb equipment or computer system (hardware or software) or telecommunications equipment;
    • In a way that may offend or hinder, in particular, send or make available any illegal, false, misleading, threatening, malicious, abusive, defamatory, libelous, invasive of privacy, harmful or even image or activity of the _ _ _ _;
    • To promote any kind of commercial activity, or to send or make available information or content that belongs to third parties and that you do not have the right to use, such as, for example, content protected by third party copyright or contents that contain third party personal data .
In general, the User must use the Website in a responsible, prudent and careful manner and should not disturb or damage the continuity or integrity of the Website.
A _ _ _ _ is not responsible for any direct, indirect or negligent damages arising out of the use of the information contained in this Website or the Website itself as well as the harmful or disturbing conduct of the User.

Privacy Policy

A _ _ _ _ is the entity responsible for the collection and processing of personal data. It respects the privacy of all users and undertakes to protect all information submitted by each user in accordance with current national and Community legislation.


All users may browse this website without obligation to make or submit any data record. When submitting your data, if you want to receive news, campaigns or other associated with real estate or our services in addition to the commercial communications requested by you, we ask you to agree to the sending of the same.


The provision of personal data is only necessary if you wish to make a visitation, a request for information or a request for contact and will always be guaranteed, under the law, the right to access, rectify and cancel any data provided, that right be exercised in writing, at any time, through the email _ _ _ _ or by clicking on the termination link at the bottom of the email.

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